Ltd have a website (www.extronics.com)
comprised of four main sections, namely company information, news,
products, and product searching. A Microsoft Access Database drives
all the latter three sections. Extronics required a batch CDs
to be produced, running on windows 98 through XP, containing a
version of their website. The CD would allow clients and potential
clients to view their products off-line. The CD had to be developed
with updates to the database in mind; Extronics required the ability
to produce CDs in the future with an updated product catalogue.
CDs were produced in Macromedia Director, replicating the functionality
and aesthetics of the website. The Extronics database files were
included on the CD to drive the CD-ROM application. The finished
product facilitated full selective text searching; a scrollable,
hierarchically formatted display of product indexes and a news
section generated from the database. This matched the functionality
of their website. The content runs directly from the CD without
the need to install files on the users system, provided the user
has the Microsoft DAO files and Adobe Acrobat Reader, there is
also an option to install these from the CD if required.
project was a direct conversion of a website to a CD, but this
is not the only work that can be undertaken. The CD format allows
for additional media to be included, not overly utilised on websites
due to bandwidth restrictions. See some of our other projects
for examples of CDs containing additional media.